Event Planning


Event Promotion

All upcoming event details should be emailed to chapters@himss.org to be included in the HIMSS.org Events Calendar


Global Proposal Submission Portal (New Benefit)

HIMSS Global Proposal Submission Portal (GPSP) is now available to be used for Call for Proposals for Chapter Events and Programs. The GPSP empowers Subject Matter Experts to share their thought leadership more efficiently by enabling them to submit a single proposal for eligibility in multiple HIMSS Events and Programs. Adding your Call for Proposals to the GPSP will grant you access to the Global Proposal Catalogue (GPC). Having access to the GPC will allow you to see proposals from submitters that were submitted before your call was opened.

If you are interested in utilizing this benefit for an upcoming conference submit this request form. For additional questions, contact Brandy Arends, HIMSS Professional Development Specialist, at barends@himss.org. Please allow five business days for your call to be integrated, tested, and put into production/ready for marketing.


Event Planning

Chapters produce a variety of events ranging from a one hour lunch and learn to 3-day, multi-chapter events.  Below are several templates of agendas to aid in your event planning.

Event Agendas

Event Planning Checklist

Meeting Planning Presentation

Need help planning your event? Reach out to a local CVB (convention and visitors bureau) for assistance. A CVB is a free service for assistance in event coordinating within a specific local area. You can easily find your local CVB through an internet search "city name CVB."



Open Call for Presenters

Chapters may solicit speakers and presentations through an open call.  Chapters should have a document that states the process to follow a fair and equitable selection process.

Consider the following items in your process:

  1. Communication of the Open Call for Presenters should be distributed to a wide audience.

  2. No exceptions to the due date and time should be allowed unless the Open Call is extended to everyone.

  3. All submittals should be considered and awarded based on merit and quality of the speaker and content. 

  4. Have a review committee of several individuals from varying disciplines.

  5. Communicate with all who submitted proposals on their selection appropriately and respectfully

  6. Have a scorecard or criteria for selection developed before reviewing any submissions.

Template: Call for Speaker Proposals

Speaker profile template 



Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is a written document that expresses a mutual agreement between two or more parties.  The agreement will detail the expectations of each party that are necessary to reach a common goal.  A chapter should create and sign a MOU with any collaborating organizations. 

The MOU should contain the following:

  • Clear identification of all parties

  • Description of agreement and objectives needed to reach that agreement

  • Necessary terms to reach the agreement

  • Signature by each party

A MOU should not be used for anything involving the exchange of money, if money is involved a contract must be signed.   A memorandum of understanding describes the intent of the negotiating parties.  A MOU is used when you need an agreement more official than a handshake but less formal than a legal contract.  The length of a MOU varies depending on the agreement.  As it is less formal than a contract it does not need to include all of the specific details, rather it must contain the overall outline of the end goal will be reached by each party. 

This MOU template can be used in your planning process for any collaborating activities.  



Programming Restrictions

Chapters may only sponsor or conduct educational programming that are less than 4 hours in total time within 30 days prior to and 30 days following the HIMSS Global Health Conference and Exhibition. Public Policy events may be approved by HIMSS Leadership within this period due to the legislative schedule. Email chapters@himss.org to seek approval.